Monthly Tuition
Tuition is collected through our secure automated payment service. Your account will be automatically debited on the 5th of each month.
If your payment is returned for insufficient funds or any other reason, a fee of $20.00 will be charged. You will have until 10th of the month to remedy the payment. After the 10th, a $10 late fee, in addition to your return fee, will be charged.
Auto Pay is set up during the registration process in our Online Portal.

Registration Fee
A non-refundable, annual registration fee of $40 per family is due at the beginning of each dance year. Families returning from the previous dance year, and families who pay their registration fee at the September Open House will receive a $5.00 registration discount.
Costume fees
Costumes will be paid in two installments. The first payment will be deducted by auto-payment Oct. 20th. As costumes near completion, students will receive a notice of their remaining balance due. Costumes must be paid in full before costumes will be given to each student.
$60.00 deposit per Clogging team (Total cost will range from $80-$120 per costume. )
$45.00 deposit per class for Ballet II & III, Jazz/Modern, Ballet/Jazz Combo (Total cost will be up to $80-$90)
$45.00 deposit per each other class (Total cost will be up to $80 each.)

Recital Fee
A non-refundable recital fee of $40.00 per family will be due Jan. 20th.
The recital fee covers:
Recital venue rental fee
Teacher gifts
Student gifts
Misc. administrative fees